Blogger BlogNet89464

Acne During Pregnancy Treatments You Should Avoid At All Cost

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Many women suffer from acne during their pregnancies. In some cases it can be severe. Many pregnant women never had acne when they grew up and so they find themselves struggling with it for the first time. There are many acne treatments on the market, but many can be dangerous to your baby and to yourself. Which treatments should you avoid and what can you do to eliminate your pregnancy acne?

The reason why acne during pregnancy is so common is due to the hormonal changes which occur in a pregnant woman's body. The same thing happens in puberty: the hormones go wild, the body is constantly changing and one of the nasty side effects can be the appearance of those ugly pimples.

There are many acne treatments out there, but some can be dangerous to you or to your baby. Here are some treatments you should avoid:

1. Anything which contains Accutane - This ingredient is extremely dangerous to you baby. Research has shown that it may lead to birth defects and miscarriage. It is also dangerous to use during your breast feeding period.

2. Tetracycline - This is an oral antibiotic which is used to treat acne in teenagers and adults but is not to be used during pregnancy as it has been linked to poor bone development of the baby. It may also bring about discolored teeth.

3. Female hormonal medications - certain hormones may be passed to your baby during pregnancy or breast feeding. Research is still inconclusive on the subject of female hormones and the development of the fetus, but it is suspected of causing birth defects. Don't risk it.

In general, it is best to avoid medications during your pregnancy. If you want to eliminate your pregnancy acne, you should follow a specialized diet for pregnant women. Avoiding bad foods and eating well for your pregnancy can work wonders for your skin.

To make sure you will maintain a healthy weight gain and a beautiful skin during your pregnancy, visit this website How To Look And Feel Great During Pregnancy. Lucy Doyle is a pregnancy and diet expert. To read how you too can ensure your baby's health and look great at the same time visit Lucy Doyle's expert webpage on

Best Acne Cure

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