Blogger BlogNet89464

Baby Shower Hosting 101


Are you ready to host the best baby shower ever but don't know where to start? Baby showers are fun, but planning one can be tedious. In this article we'll cover the basics to get you started.

So who should host the baby shower? Traditionally, only non-relatives are to host a baby shower -- co-workers, church groups, etc.; however, it has become more common and acceptable for mothers and sisters to host showers too. The important thing is that someone take the initiative to host the shower -- what a wonderful display of caring for a growing family and a special way to help welcome a new life into the world. It is also perfectly acceptable for more than one person to host a baby shower. It can be fun for a group of friends to share the responsibilities and excitement of planning and hosting this special event.

When it comes to inviting guests, you likely have some idea of those you want to invite to the shower, but it is always a safe bet to run the guest list by the mom-to-be to ensure you haven't left anyone out.

You can invite guests via a phone call or an e-mail (be sure they check their mail regularly!), but the written invitation is still the most preferable way to kick off a shower. You can even find baby shower ecard invitations online. Just do a simple search online and I'm sure you'll find one. No matter what type of invitation you use, be sure to include pertinent information -- whether it regards a theme, a note of where the mom-to-be has registered, a map or written directions to the shower, or any special item you want the guests to bring for the mom.

Showers are normally given a month or two before the mom's due date. It's a good idea to give the mom enough time following the shower to shop for items she didn't receive, yet wants to have before the baby arrives. And of course you don't want to hold the shower too close to baby's due date in case he or she makes an early arrival!

Baby showers are normally held in the home of the hostess. If desired though, you can certainly host a shower at a church fellowship area, a favorite restaurant, or even at a banquet hall -- it really all depends on what atmosphere you are looking for and how much money you want to spend. If the shower will be held in a restaurant, make reservations at least two weeks prior to the date. At one- week prior, one of the organizers should speak with the manager to confirm the details.

The shower should last around one and a half to two hours. Things may wind down early or they may likely continue on as guests chat together.

There are many variations on showers, but we have devised a general "schedule" for baby showers. You can add/remove any part and re-order it to your liking.

Greet Guests - serve light appetizers

After all or almost all guests have arrived, go around the room and have each guest introduce themselves and identify how they know the mother-to-be.

Play 2-4 Shower Games. It is good to play games at the beginning as ice-breakers. Remember some guests may not know *anyone* but the mother-to-be.

Let everyone go get whatever food may be available and then once everyone has been served, the mother-to-be can begin to open her gifts. Be sure to have someone write down each gift and who it is from. It will make sending thank-you notes a lot easier.

People chat and usually leave a few at a time. Make sure the mother-to-be gets to say goodbye to everyone and the hostess thanks the person for attending. If the hostess has shower favors, they should give this to the guests upon leaving.

Dana Williams is the founder of, an online baby gift site specializing in diaper cakes and baby shower gift baskets. Sign up for "Baby Showers Revealed" at For more baby shower hosting ideas go to

Plan A "Grand" Wedding On Mackinac Island


When you step off the boat onto the docks on Mackinac (pronounced "Mackinaw") Island, you're immediately struck but a few things. If its summer, the streets will be full of tourists, "fudgies" as they are affectionately called by the locals, for their affinity for the fudge that Mackinac Island has become famous for. Secondly, its the "clip-clop" of horses hooves. The island has outlawed cars since the turn of the 20th century, and the main modes of transportation here, are horses and bikes.

Of course, this all adds to the charm of this scenic island located in the straits of Mackinac at the very top of Michigan's lower peninsula. Also famous for the film "Somewhere in Time", starring the late Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, Mackinac Island provided the movie its Victorian charm and beautiful scenery for a backdrop. If its an island wedding you want, and the Caribbean is out of your price range, than Mackinac Island may be just for you!

The island has many locations that would be suitable for summer or fall nuptials, but by far, the most popular is the Grand Hotel. The Grand Hotel is truly the "crown jewel" of Mackinac Island. Built back in 1887, it was designed to accommodate the Victorian era traveler, who sought after the relaxing natural beauty and pure, clean air of the island. Northern Michigan was touted as having definitive health benefits, especially for those with asthma and other allergy problems.

Railroads were built to take travelers from cities like St. Louis and Chicago to northern Michigan towns like Charlevoix and Petoskey, and steamships brought them to Mackinac Island. One of the Grand's most famous attributes is it's front porch. Running the length of the hotel, at 880 feet is is reputed to be the "longest front porch in the world". Always known for its breathtaking vistas, impeccable service, elegant dining and warm hospitality, the Grand Hotel continues this tradition of treating visitors in a "grand" way.

The Grand Hotel's Wedding Coordinator, Marty Haines, is more than happy to assist couples in designing the wedding and honeymoon of their dreams. One of the reasons the Grand Hotel is so popular for weddings today, is the many choices a couple will have for their ceremony location. The southern end of the front porch, overlooking the water, is a beautiful place for a summer wedding. Also, the Grand's "tea garden" with its picturesque fountain, can provide a charming backdrop to a couples wedding vows. Inside the hotel, couples will find many dining and banquet rooms to choose from.

The Pontiac Room, which will accommodate up to 40 attendees, has an attached semi-circular porch which overlooks the Grand Hotel Gardens. The Cottage Restaurant, suitable for up to 70 guests, even features an antique credenza in which to display your wedding cake. The Terrace Room has Asian themed decor, and will accommodate up to 180 guests. The existing stage and ballroom sized dance floor would be suitable for a wedding with more formal musical entertainment. The Grand Pavilion, the hotel's most recently added facility, will host 70-180 guests, and includes a veranda with a view of the Grand Nine golf course.

Guests at the Grand Hotel will find lots of choices for recreation and dining. The hotel's golf course, The Jewel, is comprised of two nine-hole courses. Both a meticulously maintained and offer spectacular water views. There is also the Esther Williams Swimming Pool, which was made famous by the 1947 MGM movie, "This Time For Keeps", starring none other than, Esther Williams. Tennis is played on four outdoor clay courts and racquets are made available for use by the guests.

Also available are bocci ball, horseshoes and croquet on the lawn as well as and exercise room and bike rental. A bicycle ride around the island is a must for visitors. Skirting the island and just 6 miles around, the road offers scenic views and plenty of photo opportunities. All you have to watch for is other bicyclists and the horses pulling carriages. Where there are horses, there is also horse watch out for that too!

The hotel can provide couples with lists of other ceremony sites on the island, such as the Mission Church and "Somewhere in Time" gazebo, another popular location at nearby Fort Mackinac. You will also find plenty of businesses on the island providing all the necessary wedding services a bride and groom may need. Guests will find lodging plentiful on the island including at the Grand Hotel, Mission Resort and many other smaller hotels and Victorian B & B's. Peak times on the island are towards the end of June through the Labor Day weekend, as well as during the Island's Lilac Festival, held this year June 6-15th.

The mild climate on the island allows for many beautiful days outside the peak tourist times, and a fall wedding here would be particularly stunning set against a backdrop of fall foliage. Mackinaw Island Carriage Tours, the oldest operating livery on the island, can provide the bridge and groom with beautiful white horse drawn wedding carriages, and also carriages for transporting guests.

There is nothing more romantic for a newly wedded couple to enjoy together, than a carriage ride around Mackinac Island. Warm breezes...island sunsets and bliss.

Find help with your wedding and honeymoon plans at

Donna Kujat

Blogger BlogNet89464: Aug 3, 2008

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