Blogger BlogNet89464

Cheap Travel is the Way to Go If That is Your Goal!


What is the best way to travel when you do not want to spend tons of money? Depending on where you live, budget travel might be the answer to your prayers. After all, there are no written rules about travel. So many times in our lives, we do not travel because we have this rigid idea of what traditional traveling is. Yet, if we stop and really think about what our objectives are, we might find easy, cheaper ways to enjoy a good vacation. There are no written rules, so using your imagination when it comes to traveling is the best thing to do.

First you need to decide if you can or will be flexible enough to accept the non-traditional route of traveling. These non-traditional routes might be using odd ways of transportation such as boating on freight liners, or even walking, jogging or going across country with a mission and or a purpose. Look at the Peace Walker who walked throughout the entire USA just because she wanted to walk for peace. Yet, even her walking was a vacation from her regular, ordinary life. Now I know you do not want to go that far --walking across country when you think about travel. But that was just an example of what is possible if you just use your creativity and use your imagination.

Have you ever imagined getting free weekends at expensive bed and breakfast hotels? Probably not, but by planning ahead of time and by using your knowledge, your connections and a good search engine, even this is possible for you. Check back to my articles here to get details about those free offers of travel vacations where you do not have to pay for your hotel stay. You can travel within a budget. You just have to want to do it.

Published author, creator of genuine, unique television shows that air on Time Warner and on Cablevision in New York City. A warm-hearted individual who gives a voice to those who have been silent all along. This author produces television shows about almost all topics that help people in their lives. Many of the shows are entertainment; some are information and resources and still others are festivals, fiestas, and community events that bring all people together in one place in the city or in the country.

Turkey tourism information site
Adventure tours of Turkey
Turkish Culture

Blogger BlogNet89464: Aug 20, 2008

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