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Acne During Pregnancy Treatments You Should Avoid At All Cost


Many women suffer from acne during their pregnancies. In some cases it can be severe. Many pregnant women never had acne when they grew up and so they find themselves struggling with it for the first time. There are many acne treatments on the market, but many can be dangerous to your baby and to yourself. Which treatments should you avoid and what can you do to eliminate your pregnancy acne?

The reason why acne during pregnancy is so common is due to the hormonal changes which occur in a pregnant woman's body. The same thing happens in puberty: the hormones go wild, the body is constantly changing and one of the nasty side effects can be the appearance of those ugly pimples.

There are many acne treatments out there, but some can be dangerous to you or to your baby. Here are some treatments you should avoid:

1. Anything which contains Accutane - This ingredient is extremely dangerous to you baby. Research has shown that it may lead to birth defects and miscarriage. It is also dangerous to use during your breast feeding period.

2. Tetracycline - This is an oral antibiotic which is used to treat acne in teenagers and adults but is not to be used during pregnancy as it has been linked to poor bone development of the baby. It may also bring about discolored teeth.

3. Female hormonal medications - certain hormones may be passed to your baby during pregnancy or breast feeding. Research is still inconclusive on the subject of female hormones and the development of the fetus, but it is suspected of causing birth defects. Don't risk it.

In general, it is best to avoid medications during your pregnancy. If you want to eliminate your pregnancy acne, you should follow a specialized diet for pregnant women. Avoiding bad foods and eating well for your pregnancy can work wonders for your skin.

To make sure you will maintain a healthy weight gain and a beautiful skin during your pregnancy, visit this website How To Look And Feel Great During Pregnancy. Lucy Doyle is a pregnancy and diet expert. To read how you too can ensure your baby's health and look great at the same time visit Lucy Doyle's expert webpage on

Best Acne Cure

With the recent FDA approval of the use of blue light therapy, and the fact that ultra violet light is no longer used in blue light therapy, a new and improved form of acne treatment has stormed onto the scene. Blue light acne treatment has never been safer and more effective.

How does it work?

Blue light acne treatment works by killing acne causing bacteria, the P acnes. It is also being used to treat inflammatory acne vulgaris in some cases. Patients receive the blue light acne treatment is increments. It is normally an 8 session treatment period that is usually broken down to twice a week treatments. The sessions last approximately 15 minutes. When treating acne vulgaris the blue light may be used in conjunction with aminolevulinic acid (ALA). Treatment will vary depending on the severity of the acne problem.

What are the side effects of blue light acne treatment?

There are very few side effects associated with blue light therapy, and the side effects that are present in some are very mild. Side effects include some temporary pigment changes, some swelling and also dryness of the skin in the treated areas. The blue light treatments are very gentle and do not harm surrounding tissues in any way.

What are the expected results from the blue light acne treatment?

After routine treatments of about 2 to 4 weeks the majority of patients have reported a reduction in the amount of acne that is present. When used in conjunction with ALA it will provide a long term solution to overactive sebaceous glands. The normal results are a 60% reduction after 4 weeks of treatment.

Blue light therapy can also be used in conjunction with red light therapy. The red light promotes faster healing of the skin. It has been reported that healing occurs up to 200% faster when blue and red light treatments are used combined. Blue and Red light therapy is effective for about 86% of people. This treatment has been effective for about 86% of people being treated.

Blue light acne treatment is available from a dermatologist and the procedure performed in their clinics. Blue light acne treatment can be purchased for home use but it is recommended that a dermatologist oversee its use.

To read about other acne treatment, including laser acne treatments visit

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Health Insurance Price Quote


Have you been scouring the ends of the earth, on the hunt for a reasonable health insurance price quote lately? If you have, then you no doubt have discovered that health insurance can be best described with two words: necessary evil.

Health insurance premiums have skyrocketed in recent times. But so has the cost of health care in general. If you think health insurance premiums are unreasonable, just imagine how through-the-roof health care is without it!

Nobody in their right mind wants to pay for health insurance It's just one of those things in life that you have to have, unless you are either in the top earning income brackets and can afford to pay for health care in cash, or if you are one of the rare breed of people who rarely ever gets sick.

When shopping around for the best health insurance price quote, there is one very import thing to keep in mind:

A lower monthly premium isn't always the best deal. If budgetary constraints prevent you from paying a higher monthly premium, you should consider the hidden costs associated with a lower monthly premium, such as higher deductibles, less maternity coverage, and less prescription drug coverage.

Lower monthly premiums work best for those people who rarely ever go to the doctor. You pay less for your health coverage. But the trade off is that you have a higher deductible, which you only pay only if you need medical care.

Higher monthly premiums work best for those who take prescription drugs or who require frequent medical attention. You pay a higher monthly premium as a fixed cost, which actually helps you to budget your medical expenses better. And your annual deductible is lower, or in some cases, nonexistent.

What should you look for when shopping around for health insurance quotes online? Is it enough to just look for the lowest monthly premium? Sure, who doesn't want to save money every month?

But that is a deceptively simplistic approach to choosing the best health insurance plan. You may be saving money on your monthly premiums, but a lower premium usually equates with higher deductibles. Why is that a problem? Deductibles are a variable expense. If your annual deductible is, let's say $2,000, that means that you need to be prepared to pay that much directly to your medical provider or your pharmacy over the course of one year. This usually works best for people who don't require regular medication or medical attention.

Higher monthly premiums work best for people who need to visit the doctor frequently or who may be taking prescription drugs on a regular basis. You can avoid the variable costs of deductibles by just paying a flat monthly rate to your health insurance provider.

But no matter which way you go, the sad reality is that somebody is going to take your money, whether it is the health insurance company or whether it is your medical providers.

Compare multiple health plans and get a free health insurance quote instantly.

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Uninsured American Children


There are currently 9 million uninsured children in the US. Census data shows that 70% of those children live in a home where at least one parent works full-time. The same data indicates that about two thirds of these children would qualify for government-sponsored health insurance if the parents were to apply for it. Uninsured people are far more likely to go without essential medical care, including vaccinations and treatments for potentially fatal illnesses. This is especially sad when children are involved, because they are so dependant on their parents and the social organizations that are set up to help them. A complicated enrollment process and lack of knowledge about the programs are the main reasons given for why so many of these eligible children are not enrolled in government sponsored health insurance programs.

Perhaps the government likes keeping things the way they are in order to avoid paying for health care for all eligible children? If not, there is no reason that the enrollment process for government-sponsored health insurance should be complicated. Everything could be done on a single sheet of paper with a copy of a tax return attached to prove financial eligibility. These forms could be available in any doctor's office or hospital. They could be simple enough that anyone could understand them and have time to complete them.

The issue of parents not knowing about the availability of the programs could also be solved if the government really wanted to appropriate adequate resources to provide health insurance to them. The money is there, it's just not always used in the most efficient ways. The availability of public health care for eligible children is something that should be actively advertised. Public schools could send notes home with children. Hospitals could explain the program and help parents enroll newborns before they leave the hospital. The IRS could send information to families with qualifying incomes. If the enrollment process became straightforward and simple, and parents were made aware of the availability of the programs, our country could have 3 million children without health insurance instead of 9 million. That's a big difference.

By Louise Norris - Vice President, Insurance Shoppers, Inc. Insurance Shoppers is the leading independent health insurance brokerage in Colorado. Offering a large selection of the top health insurance companies in Colorado and a variety of products, like HSAs. Please link to the Insurance Shoppers website when using this article.

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3 Easy Steps to Make Money Online


Everyone is interested in work at home jobs because we can work from the comfort of our own home. We can earn money like a regular job, but we will get more time to spend with family as well as time for enjoying our life.

The main advantages of work at home online jobs are...

Work whenever and wherever you want. You will be in control of your own hours. The more you work, the more you can earn.

But over 80% peoples are failing in home-based employment industry, why? The main reason is that they have no idea about how it works or they lack correct planning.

Here are 3 easy steps which will guide you to succeed in work at home which will help you to easily earn $1000s per month.

Step 1. Select the right work at home job for you.
There are lot of work at home opportunities like data entry online typist, paid surveys, selling ebooks or softwares etc. First you should determine what is ideal for you. For example, If you can type without errors, you can work as a data entry online typist. You can work 2 or 3 hours per day and you will get $100 or $200 or even more per day.

Step 2. Be patient.
It needs some time to succeed in work at home business. So be patient, try to do your best(especially for the first days) for your work at home success. Try to correct errors, after some time you will get good results.

Step 3. Spread your business.
If you succeeded in working online and making good money, don't stick only with it, try to find more good opportunities. Best wishes for your new career.

c) John Wood, 2008.

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Garden Finials - A Fine Addition to Any Yard


Garden finials may trace their origins back to the executions in jolly (or not so jolly then) England, but their popularity with today's gardeners is hard to dismiss.

Whether garden finials mimic the heads on a pike found outside medieval manors is fact or fiction is unknown. The origins have been lost in time. But the marking of property with fences goes back to the era of sharecropping, when peasants worked the lord's vast holdings. To prevent encroachment, these nobles began to fence off their lands. These fences were often embellished with finely wrought ornamentation on the tops of posts.

Today, these continue to pay homage to this noble practice of fencing lands and adding embellishments. Thankfully, the head on pike design has fallen out of favor with homeowners. But there are plenty of wonderful designs for finials to fit any garden you have in mind.

A finial can be as simple as mirrored, wood or metal spheres or as exotic as pointed ones of porcelain, said to warn off evil spirits in China. The pineapple, the traditional sign of welcome in colonial times, continues to be a popular choice as well.

Finials aren't limited to stand alone pieces either. If you have your garden fenced off, you can add garden finials along the fence line as well. These additions will help keep birds from perching on the posts, looking for a tasty planting to have for breakfast. These finials also help keep water out of the fence poles. You can also add these to arbors and archways to add style to otherwise plain cedar or wrought iron structures.

If you think these are just for fences and posts, think again. In the more ornate gardens of kings and queens, finials have been used at the end of large stone or brick walls or as decorations for entryways into the home from the garden area. These are often large masonry, marble or carved works that can weigh in at several hundred pounds. Many of these garden finials resemble ancient Greek or Roman urns or have grapes or sprays of flowers in them.

On the antique market, these finials can fetch thousands of dollars in auction. But thankfully, many manufacturers have emulated these, using modern techniques. This not only keeps the cost down, but reduces maintenance as well.

Selecting them is fairly straightforward. If you have a smaller garden, a single finial can serve as an accent, creating focus in the garden or visually separating two different spaces. In larger gardens, you can use them to add non-floral splendor to the space, adding artistic elements that reflect your unique personality or interests. You can choose pieces that are as modern as you want, or go back in time to the traditional designs of the lords and ladies of the manor.

If your selections don't capture enough attention, consider adding a pedestal to raise your garden finials up a foot or two. This is particularly effective if you have mature plants that are taller than the finials you want to display.

As the owner of many online sites, author Jennifer Akre, shares her insight on how to make your outdoor living space more comfortable with charming garden finials, wonderful weathervanes and stunning weathervane cupola.

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Can it Be Easy to Make Money Online?


There are now various ways that you can make money online. You can actually earn without having to pay any charge, making it an easy and a risk-free source of income for many people all over the world. You can do online jobs full time and realize your full earning potential, or you can opt to do this through part-time gigs at your most convenient time. Whichever the case, you should know that the Internet has a lot of earning opportunities if you only know where to look and how to find them. What are some of the easiest ways to make money online?


Setting up your own online shop is an excellent way to earn through the Internet. You do not need to invest a high amount of capital in order to set one up. In fact, you can sell your self-made jewellery, bake delicious cookies, knit scarves, design clothes, or make accessories which you have made yourself, without significant monetary capital. On the other hand, you can take advantage of online auction shops that are very popular these days. You can start by selling used items or items that just lie around the house. You will be amazed to know that there are people willing to pay for things that you do not need.

Online Surveys

Did you know that you can make money online just by taking a few minutes of your time to do online surveys? There are a good number of sites that pay well. If you are a qualified respondent, you can get as much as $5 for answering a simple 10-minute survey. Better yet, you can go for focus groups given by companies who would like to know what you think. Some companies pay as much as $150 for qualified respondents. Though they can take a few hours, they are surely worth joining.

Affiliate Programs

Joining in affiliate programs is one of the easiest ways to do it. If you own a webpage, you can advertise products of others and earn yourself some commission for every successful referral. It is up to you to think of your own advertising measures to attract people into your site and increase the chances of referring more people to visit the affiliate site you are advertising. There are a good number of companies offering affiliate programs in the Internet, each providing different terms. These terms may either be on a pay per click or pay per sale basis.

Writing web content and blogging

These days, you do not have to be a novelist to earn money by writing. The Internet is virtually in constant need for content, as well as writers who would write them. There are various sites offering writing jobs through which you can make money online. If writing is your hobby, you can take advantage of blogs where you can simply write down your most interesting thoughts and draw people into your site. If you have enough traffic, you can join affiliate programs and earn commission for referrals. The more interesting your blog entries and your blog is in general, the more money you can earn.

Did you know that the Internet has full of earning opportunities waiting for you? Grab your chance now by checking out Make Money Online or Make Money.

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Make Money and Have Fun With Online Casinos


Online casinos are the latest wave of gambling fun. Not that they are new to the internet world or anything, in fact, they have been around for quite awhile. However, if you still have no discovered the fun of visiting an online casino, you are in for a real treat. You may be asking, why Online as opposed to an offline casino, this is a good question and we have the answer.

Think about an offline casino or your traditional casino boat or palace. They are generally chaos, but still extremely fun. But when you take the online version, you get a wide variety of benefits that you simply cannot get when visiting an "offline" casino.

Available Anytime!

First, you can play your favorite casino games any time, day or night. You do not have to worry about it closing, because the internet is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days per year. In the offline version, you have to deal with opening and closing hours, and what is more, when a traveling casino boat, you have to deal with parting and arriving times.

Popular Casino Games

Secondly, your favorite games are most often available. Therefore, you enjoy the typical casino events, right in the comforts of your own home. Some games you might find at online casinos include Poker, Slots, Roulette, Craps, Blackjack, and Baccarat.

Avoid the Crowds

Another great thing about the online versions versus the offline versions is that you avoid the crowds. Many people do not like to deal with the large crowds at most land casinos. At an online casino, you avoid the crowds, and take part right on your computer.

In Your Pajamas

Sometimes a night on the town is fun, getting dressed up, looking your best, and getting out of the house. However, for busy people this is not always an option. If you still want to enjoy the casino, but really do not have the ability, time, energy, or desire to get out and deal with driving, crowds, or getting dressed up, you can have the same fun and results at an online casino. Play in your pajamas or whatever you like, no one will be none-the-wiser because you are in the comforts of your own home.

Summing it all up

Online casinos are the latest wave of gambling fun. You can take part in the highs and lows of the casino at any time, whenever you would like, where whatever you want, right from your very own computer.

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Mortgage Insurance


If you are in the process of buying a home, you might be surprised at just how expensive it is. Not only are there the actual monthly mortgage payments to take into account, but there are also the completion fees, survey costs and solicitor fees, among others. This may be one reason many people don't get mortgage insurance, since the payments they already make are so expensive.

However, mortgage insurance is important because if you don't have it, you could be caught short if for some reason you have some kind of difficulty and can't pay your mortgage for a time. In the end, this trouble will cost you far more than any extra mortgage insurance premiums you might have to pay. You may also be able to get mortgage insurance very cheaply, depending on what your circumstances are.

The Benefits of Mortgage Insurance

Most obviously, mortgage insurance benefits you because it offers you protection against any unexpected financial problems you may encounter that would leave you unable to pay your mortgage payment. This can be sickness, accident or unemployment. However, if you have mortgage insurance, at least you won't have to worry about not having a roof over your head while you worry about these and other problems.

For example, if you happen to be a victim of a car accident and you end up with a broken leg or two, you may have to be out of work for a period of time. Many recuperation periods for these types of injuries last about six to eight weeks. Of course, you can be out of commission for an even longer period of time if injuries are more serious.

Now, if this were you, you can see how you might struggle to try to make your mortgage payments if you don't have mortgage insurance. Of course, you may have savings, but if you're injuries happen to be serious enough that your time off of work will be protracted, this is going to be a consideration, because you'll also need to be covering other expenses such as groceries and the electric bill. This is where mortgage insurance will help you financially so that you can use whatever savings you have to meet other necessary expenses beside your mortgage.

Mortgage Insurance Is Inexpensive Peace of Mind

It might surprise you to know that mortgage insurance is not that expensive, although many people think so and usually try to forego it. It does, indeed, involve a bit of extra cost, but not very much. In fact, it may even cost you as little as a couple of pounds a month.

If your lender or other entity has given you a high quote, take heart. These are some of the most expensive ways you can actually get mortgage insurance, and it's much cheaper to shop around online. In fact, you can save as much as 40% over what the high street insurer or broker might offer you if you do buy your mortgage insurance online.

If you're still unsure as to whether or not you need mortgage insurance, take a moment to discover what the cover entails. You may think, for example, that you're young and healthy and won't be needing such cover for a long period of time. However, becoming sick or suddenly losing your job may not be things you can predict. Therefore, it simply makes sense to have mortgage insurance. If you're still confused about what it covers, ask your advisor to explain it to you clearly and simply so you can see just what it has to offer you.

Free MPPI Information

You can quickly get low cost mortgage protection from British Insurance Ltd at their web site.

In addition, online MPPI applications can be made at

If you would like to learn more about MPPI, then there are 3 ebooks that you can download for free.

  1. A guide to age related mortgage payment protection insurance
  2. What to do when you can't meet your mortgage payments
  3. ASU a guide to accident sickness and unemployment

In today's unstable employment world, mortgage payment protection is an insurance you should consider to be a necessity, not a luxury.

The policy features of this mortgage protection insurance policy features can be viewed here.

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A very good and very easy way to make money online is by having contextual ads on your website. Contextual ads are ads that you get from a site that offers them, usually in a unit of four ads or more in different orientations. Once you have put the code for these units on your website the company offering the ad unit reads your site and show ads that are relevant to your site. Whenever someone clicks one of those ads you get paid for it. The amount you get paid varies depending on how much the advertiser paid to have their ad shown.

There are lots of sites that offer contextual ads for your website. Adbrite, Bidvertiser, Yahoo Publisher, RevenuePilot and FeedFusion are just a few of what's out there. But the king of them all, the one that started the whole market is Google AdSense. Even though most of the others have a lower payout amount and the conditions for having your website approved to show the ads aren't as strict, Google AdSense is still the most sought after of all the contextual ads sites by website owners.

The reasons for this is, one, Google AdSense was the first to offer this opportunity and so has been around longer. As such Google AdSense is more familiar to people. Another reason is they have a whole lot more advertisers they the other contextual ad sites and is able to offer relevant ads to a wider verity of websites where as the other sites may be limited in the verity relevant ads they can offer to some niche sites.

The number one reason Google AdSense is the most sought after contextual ad company by website owners is because they can pay more per ad click then the others can. Advertisers are willing to pay more to have their ads on Google AdSense ad units and Google passes some of that money down to website owners.

The best way to make money online using Google AdSense is to build a niche website around a high paying keyword or keyphrase. If you build a site around a keyword that pays you $1 or $2 dollars and you can average say ten clicks a day that's $10 or $20 a day that's $70 or $140 a week and $280 or $560 extra cash a month. Now build 10 or 20 more of these sites around other high paying keywords and you can see how this can be a very lucrative way to make money online using Google AdSense.

Learn more ways to make money online for free at - You'll find videos, articles and other resources to help you make money online. Also follow along with Michael Bridges as he takes you through his quest to make money online through niche marketing and mini-sites at his blog titled, My Make Money Online Adventure.

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Health Claims For Bio-Magnetic Therapy


The medical applications of magnetism are no longer just relegated to such things as high tech diagnostic devices, like the MRI, and magnetic dental implants. The health claims attributed to magnets have many people donning magnetic jewelry, "sports magnets" and other forms of "bio-magnets." Some studies have indicated that bio-magnetic therapy may provide an alternative form of therapy for injuries.

There has recently been a resurgence of interest in using the basic principles of magnetism to treat pain and discomfort. Various athletes wear flexible coated magnets in lumbar supports, in knee braces, wrist bands, elbow supports, ankle supports, sewn into clothing or in their shoes. These flexible magnets are very popular with golfers and can be found in many pro-shops. Magnetic bracelets are also very popular but generally make no specific health claims. There are even "whole body" magnet kits for sale that include a variety of flexible and wrap-around magnets for any part of the body! Some people sew flexible magnets into clothing to wear while exercising or training. But be careful wearing magnets, of any type, during contact sports could cause injury to you, your teammate or your opponent.

Magnet therapy dates back to the time of Plato when they were used to treat muscle spasms and gout. During the middle Ages, people placed magnets on the skin in an attempt to "attract diseases out of the body". Today magnets are theoretically used to affect red blood cells (which contain iron) as they respond to a magnetic field causing the cells to become more active. Supposedly, more active red blood cells use more oxygen thereby causing a more rapid healing. Bio Magnetics International claims that magnetic therapy causes a quicker removal of lactic acid from overworked muscles, resulting in a faster recovery time, and a change in the migration of calcium ions that aid in the removal of toxins from arthritic joints. The magnet's negative pole (N pole) appears to contain the healing energy. Negative electromagnetic fields appear necessary for healing to take place.

Medical claims include: temporarily relieving pain and stiffness, helping to heal bone fractures, treat "restless leg syndrome", treat severe depression (replacing electroconvulsive treatment) and to assist in the "maintenance" of peripheral blood flow. Magnets have also been shown to decrease pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and post-polio pain, but pain returned when magnetic therapy was discontinued. There are also on-going studies using magnetism for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Some sources suggest that more than 70% of those who tried biomagnetic products have found some level of improvement for their condition. Around the world, magnetic-pulse therapy is used to treat thoroughbred horses with leg and spine injuries.

Research has shown that when charged particles pass through a magnetic field perpendicularly, they generate an alternating current that generates heat, expands blood vessels and increases blood flow with increased oxygen and nutrients to heal an injured site. Although magnet therapy may help to relieve pain and discomfort, it is not an accepted medical treatment and a medical doctor should be consulted for any serious condition. More controlled studies are needed to determine the best strengths of magnets and to determine any dangers or side effects.

If you decide to try magnet therapy, choose a magnet with its strength labeled. A magnet's strength is measured in gauss. The higher the number the stronger the magnet: usually 300 to 500 gauss. Your favorite magnet on the fridge is about 60 gauss!

The jury is still out on determining the optimal magnetic field for specific medical conditions. When more studies are done, you'll know whether your magnet is too weak, too strong or just right for your condition.

Note: A physician should be consulted prior to using magnets and to rule out possible medical conditions. Don't stop any treatment that you are on without the consent of your physician. Make sure your physician is aware of any shrapnel or surgical screws and pins in your body. Don't use magnets at the same time as you use an electric blanket or electric heating pad. Magnets should not be used around a pacemaker or implant or if pregnant.

Mr. Klemens is an accomplished author, writer, and practicing pharmacist. He has authored a book on integrative medicine (Mountains and Rivers: Complementing your Healthcare with Alternative Medicine, ISBN: 1-4033-8672-2) and numerous articles in local, national, and international magazines, and web sites. Topics include integrative medicine, Oriental medicine, herbs and supplements, health and fitness, Scottish culture, and leadership and ethics. He is also listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America, a member of Clan Gregor, and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

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