Blogger BlogNet89464

You Have Been Warned - Never Squeeze Your Spots

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You have heard it time and time again and that is that you never ever squeeze your spots, as it will just make matters worse, which is why your skin looks the way it does now.

But does it really matter if you do squeeze your spots or is it just a load of rubbish? What evidence exists, if any, to say that squeezing spots will do more harm than good?

But before we can answer that question let us look at another first, and that is why do people squeeze their spots in the first place? Well the only answer to that is so to get rid of them, because let us face it there is nothing attractive about having lots of spots on your face.

And there has been research conducted that out of nearly 400 tested patients, nearly ten percent of those suffered from depression, simply due to the spots that existed on their face.

In another study where nearly 300 people were tested, just under twelve per cent constantly felt as though they were ugly or that there was some major flaw in their actual appearance.

More research has also shown that the scarring that can be left behind by squeezing spots can be removed if the initial impulse to squeeze a spot is removed.

So it can be said that people squeeze at their spots because they feel ugly, and in order to prevent any potential scars you need to first remove the impulse of wanting to squeeze away.

But how can a person do this? Well it does involve a great deal of will power and any person that is suffering from moderate spots to severe spots needs to tell themselves that their spots are not as big as they think, and you should never let a spot make you feel inadequate.

But let us say for a moment that the above does not work and a person goes ahead and gives their spot a squeeze. What then? What happens to your skin depends very much on what happens you have squeezed your spot.

Generally when you do squeeze skin spots, the pus is released, and if it is a big spot, it will then start to bleed. But the inflammation is still there, and this is where people continue to squeeze. They immediately think that once the pus is out, the skin should be back to its normal state, and this is not the case.

Once you have squeezed the spot, and depending on how much force you applied, you skin then needs to start to the healing process. What the body will try and do first is to reduce the inflammation that is still present.

You do need to realise that when you squeeze a spot you are setting off a chain of events that trigger more spots, and squeezing also affects any neighbouring pores.

So to put this altogether, squeezing spots can aggravate the skin, because any pore that is filled with pus, will also affect neighbouring pores, and this why squeezing spots needs to be avoided.

Some thing should just be left alone, such as the squeezing of spots. So the morale of the story is to just let nature take care of your spots, and you get on with your life.

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