Blogger BlogNet89464

Secrets To Make Money Online Writing Articles

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Article writing can be one of the easiest ways to earn a
living online. It does however require work and focus for
you to be successful. In this article I would like to share
with you some tips that have helped me to make money online
writing articles.

1) Choose your niche market

This will be a highly focused niche market that you will
write articles for. You have 3 alternatives here: you can
create your own products, sell resale products or promote
affiliate links. In all three cases you need a high
converting sales letter to be successful. So when you
decide the products that you are going to promote you need
to take into consideration the quality of the product and
the sales letter. You usually can tell if a sales letter
will convert visitors into sales depending on the copy that
is used.

2) Drive all traffic to a squeeze page

I have seen this big mistake being made by online marketers
over and over again. Less than five percent of marketers
drive traffic to a squeeze page. Instead they send all
their traffic to a sales page or affiliate link hoping for
a sale. Most sales letters will not get more than a two
percent conversion so you will be wasting a lot of your
traffic. A big opt in list will generate a lot more sales
than what a web site can ever make. You also get the
auxiliary advantage of being able to market over and over
again to your subscribers. Also the conversion of sending
email offers to subscribers that already like, know and
trust you will be much higher than a lead visiting a sales
page from a source that does not know you very well.

3) Perform keyword research

Use the high page rank of the article directories to give
you free search engine traffic. Use a keyword research tool
like Wordtracker and write articles focusing on these
keywords to give you targeted search engine traffic.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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