Blogger BlogNet89464

Your Health - Do You Create It?

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The thought that we may actually create our own health might seem bizarre to some people. Sure we all recognize that diet and exercise have an influence on our health, but is that the same as creating our own health.

Most people are surprised to learn that the process of creating their own health begins in their minds. Unfortunately for many people, that process leads to ill health and even disease.

How does this work?

Suppose one of your parents died from cancer or heart disease. Doctors will tell you that because your parents died from such a disease, your chances of getting the same disease are quite high. A natural response to such a suggestion would be to harbor the thought "I hope I don't die from cancer or heart disease."

However subtle that thought may be, holding onto it for years or even decades can actually increase your chances of dying from the exact disease that you fear the most.

The mind is only creative, and its ability to create is far greater than most people imagine. New studies in the field of quantum physics have demonstrated this to be true. While thoughts alone do not always have sufficient power to bring about radical physical changes, when you back up your thoughts with the power of your emotions, you can actually change the physiological makeup of your body.

These findings have incredible implications. If thinking about a disease with your mind and fearing it with your emotions can cause that disease to manifest, then the opposite must be true as well. There is no reason to think that this exact process cannot be used to manifest good health rather than poor health.

Consider the placebo effect for a moment. Why is it that some people get remarkable results from taking a placebo, while others don't? The answer is simple, the person who gets healed after receiving the placebo believes with his mind and feels with his emotions that this pill will make him well. His body responds by producing the results that he expects.

Doctors recognize that in a life or death situation, the person with a strong will to live can survive while the same level of trauma would kill someone who lacks that same degree of will.

Why is it that people who maintain a positive attitude while recovering from some medical challenge, have a much higher survival rate than those with a negative attitude?

If we ignore things like the placebo effect, the will to live, and the survival rate of those with a positive attitude, then we are choosing to deny ourselves one of the most powerful healing modalities known to man. But the possibilities go far beyond healing illness or surviving trauma.

Every day we make a choice whether our thoughts and emotions will influence our health in a negative way, or a positive way. If we don't learn to use our thoughts and emotions to channel our energy in a constructive fashion, then chances are we will unknowingly channel that same energy in a negative direction.

Thoughts and emotions can change our world and our health for the good, once we learn to direct them constructively. In this world of increasing stress levels, increasing toxin levels, denatured and processed foods, and polluted air and water, can anyone really afford to turn their back on such a wonderful tool for creating powerful health?

How you choose to answer that question will have an enormous effect on your health, now and in the future. What kind of health will you choose to create?

Jonathan Wells is on a quest to eliminate the confusion and frustration surrounding the field of personal health and well being. Want to learn how you can take control of your own health? Sign up for his free 11 day eCourse: BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN HEALTH at CreatingPowerfulHealth. - You can also visit his blog HEALTHeFORUM at

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