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Home Owner's Insurance - Liability Issues and Your Pool

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Because of the high risk involved in the ownership of a pool in the house, a lot of insurance companies hesitate to underwrite insurance policy for home owners who have swimming pools with slides or diving board. Statistics have shown that the rate of accidents in household swimming pool is very high. There is high risk of litigation against home owners. We are all familiar with headlines of accidents in pools or children drowning in backyard pools. The irony of it all is that some of the people who would use your pool may be uninvited guests (especially children) but that still does not immune you from being sued if any accident happens to them. It is therefore your responsibility to take the following precaution:-

1. Build a fence around your pool and keep it locked constantly. That way, no one would use the pool without your knowledge.

2. Be sure that everyone who uses the pool knows how to swim.

3. Never leave children unsupervised.

4. Do not let little children get close to the pool filters because suction might injure them or not allow them to get to the surface.

5. Do not swim if you are tired.

6. Do not swim alone nor allow others to swim alone

7. Do not allow anyone who has had too much alcohol to swim

8. Ensure that you are around to supervise your children and their friends before you allow them to use the pool.

9. Always check the water level of an in-ground pool before you dive and never dive into an above-ground pool.

10. Routine maintenance for your pool is necessary to check the presence of hazardous materials like bits of glass and such things.

11. Keep a solid cover on the pool during off seasons

12. Get to know all the safety regulations that is required of a household pool and comply with them.

Having taken all these precautions, you need to think of reviewing your home owners' policy to be very sure that you are fully covered. Most insurance companies would pay up to $100,000 anytime someone files a legitimate claim against you (some others even go as high as $200,000 to $300,000 of coverage as part of their policy.

You can increase your liability coverage either by purchasing higher liability coverage on your existing limits. This is not expensive. (You can do increase from $100,000 to $300,000 for just an addition of $50 or less annually), or you buy a stand alone liability insurance policy which is different from your home owners' policy. This is called and umbrella liability policy. Because of the risks involved with owning a pool in the house, your agent would advise that you get the umbrella policy.

To get the best deal for your umbrella policy, an extensive comparison shopping would do you a world of good.

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Chisomeje Odimba writes for Quality-Insurance-4-Less.

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