Blogger BlogNet89464

Good Job Interview Questions to Ask

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Always have at least one good interview question to ask. Why?

Because if you have none, we think, as interviewers, that either:

  • You think you know everything about the job and Company (though we know you dont).
  • You are perhaps not investing enough thought in your career or job choice (since youd take the job without asking more about it).

So, even if there is nothing else you want to know, have a few good interview questions to ask. Ask a least one, perhaps about the Company, or the role for which you are applying.

It can be as simple as Can you tell me about the Companys plans for the next five years? It can open up a good conversation and ends the interview on a nice positive note and gives a good last impression!

WHEN to ask good interview questions:

Some interviewers (us for example) will say to candidates, before beginning questions, that they are welcome to ask any questions as we go along, or wait till the end whatever they prefer.

If you are told this, do whatever you prefer.

Sometimes, a relevant question will come to you during a conversation.

Dont be afraid to ask it then.

Sometimes, asking a relevant question can spark a related conversation during which you can demonstrate more of what you have to offer (see below).

Keep general questions to the end, unless they crop up earlier.

You should ask a question if:

  • You don't understand a question asked of you.
  • There is anything you still need to find out about the job, your training or the kind of person they are looking for.
  • It enables you to describe strengths not yet covered by the interviewers' questioning.
  • You are unsure if your response to a previous question made sense.

WHAT interview questions to ask

Good questions to ask at interview include lots of open-ended questions which encourage the employer to talk. Questions like:

  • "What is the Companys Vision?"
  • "What is the Companys long term plan?"
  • "How would you describe the Company culture or ethos?"

Asking some personal questions adds as a nice touch. It shows that you see your interviewer as a person, not just your interviewer. So ask the interviews/s questions in their capacity as an employee, like: "How long have you worked here?" and "Whats the best thing about working for the Company?"

Good questions to ask at interview are any about the role which will help you understand what is required of you, how you are measured and so on.

  • "How will I be measured?"
  • "Are these team or individual targets?"
  • "What involvement will I have with others on a day-to-day basis?"

Questions about developing in the role can help determine if you have made the right long term career choice.

  • "What will the scope for learning and development be?"
  • "What are the opportunities for progression or promotion?"

Good interview questions to ask include those about the leadership. The answers can help you decide if the management style suits how you work.

  • "What can you tell me about my boss?"
  • "Can you tell me about the management/leadership style within the team?"

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