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Car Insurance - Courses For Young Drivers

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Passing your driving test is a great feeling, with drivers young (and in some cases old) breathing a sigh of relief after months of hard work, concentration and studying.

However, when it comes to car insurance it becomes a whole different ball game. As young drivers are considered 'at risk' shortly after passing their driving tests, they face hefty car insurance costs on their first vehicle.

Despite road deaths and serious injury rates having fallen by 33% since the mid-1990s, the casualty rate amongst young drivers remains high. Such statistics, coupled with media attention on 'boy racers' hasn't really helped the image of young drivers.

However, research has shown that one-in-five of us have an accident within six months of passing our tests. In fact, one-in-five of all car accident deaths in the UK are accounted to newly qualified drivers and their passengers.

There are schemes in place at present - such as Pass Plus - that offer the chance to not only further their driving experience through extra lessons to teach advanced driving techniques, but to save themselves some money on their premium.

However, present qualifications are recognised by only a handful of insurance companies, and usually take a year to be honoured on your policy.

A new government-backed scheme to encourage road safety in under-17s is being discussed, with trials taking place at some schools in Scotland from as early as autumn this year, with a national rollout expected in 2010.

It is hoped that the new scheme will encourage young drivers to be more careful on the roads - before they even get on the roads.

The qualification itself could also be beneficial when it comes to finding cheap car insurance - with plans for the qualification to help young drivers earn discounts on their first policy, which could come as welcome news for those worried about any knock-on effects on their premiums.

Looking for cheap car insurance? Compare car insurance from a wide range of providers to find a car insurance quote that suits you.

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