Blogger BlogNet89464

Tips for Designing the Fast Loading Website

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Designing a website is always trickier thing to do. Balancing between the usability and aesthetics is a hard part of designing for fast loading website. You can include many things to make it colorful or attractive but if it takes time to load than its waste and useless, since visitor aren't going to wait too long for the site to load.

Few tips have been mentioned below to rectify or to keep in mind while designing fast loading website.

1. Use HTML

Use more of html to design the pages of website which are fast loading. Use CSS to enhance the visibility of pages.

2. Less images

Minimize the use of images as far as possible because images take time to get downloaded. If you want to use image than optimize it for the page but don't overuse it.

3. Minimize animated gifs and flash

Though they enhance web page appearance they usually bring down the loading times, so use sparingly.

4. Background images

Instead of using the image 800px wide as a background, use it for header and footer.

5. Optimize the HTML

Validating the HTML is one of the best ways to optimize. Dont overuse the HTML tags.

6. Avoid the use of java scripts and flash

Both the things should be used less since both increases the download time as well as both are not search engine friendly. In-fact flash file take lots of time to load.

7. No multimedia files

Don't keep the background music when your site is loading since it is using huge amount of bandwidth. Its better to provide the download link to the files.

8. Use the same templates through out

Use the same template through out all the pages of your site which will help in fast loading, since most of the things will be already cached on to your temporary internet folder of your visitors computer.

9. Use of software

Get compressed images by using various softwares or you can use other softwares to crop or to resize the image as per your availability.

10. Loading time

Get checked the loading of your site before going live, which will help you to know to improve on the various factors related to your site as well as your service provider.

Being a developer, I can suggest you to visit the site and its pages like Website development, for getting an idea how the website should be designed so that it doesn't get penalized.

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