Blogger BlogNet89464

Treat Yourself by Effective Natural Remedy For Sinus Infection

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One health problem that has always managed to bring discomfort to people around the world is the sinus infection condition. This infection comes around when microorganisms such as viruses, fungi or mostly bacteria inflame the cells of the lining found on the surface covering sinuses and the nostril air passages. It may also happen that allergens including pollen, dust and mold could be inhaled and make you have an allergic reaction that may lead to secretion of body compounds such as histamine.

Both these situations lead to the sinus cells being damaged and as a result of it, the lining swells up and in turn block air passage in the nostrils. This action allows celia (the little hairs that are found on the surface of nostril cells that are responsible of washing away any mucus content found in the air passages) movement to reduce and this often leads to mucus produced by the mucous glands to accumulate in these air pathways inside the nose. The patient may have a difficult time to breathe and subsequently, experience pain around the sinus situated areas when he or she tries to breathe. This usually leads to the occurrence of severe headaches and facial pain especially around the cheek area. Other symptoms that may occur when you are suffering from sinus infections may include, fever,coughing and sneezing.All these conditions always make you uncomfortable and most of the time irritated.Well, after a long wait, we can now safely use natural remedies to treat this health condition.

Swimming in sea water is one natural remedy for sinus infection that has worked for sometime now. This remedy works through the salty water that is found in the sea water. When you take a swim in the ocean, the salty water gets to your nostrils several times. As this happens, the salt inside the water is able to be retained inside these nostrils and in the process come into contact with the microorganisms such as the bacteria that may be situated in there as well. Most of these microorganisms being unicellular, the salt drains all the water molecules from their bodies through osmosis and in the long run, the harmful microorganisms die and the infection is brought to an end as well.This remedy requires almost no supervision when being taken only that the patient needs to know how to swim and keep afloat in the water.

Drinking hot liquids throughout the day is another natural remedy for sinus infection that has been used for several years now by many people and it is yet to disappoint them. Hot drinks such as hot tea,hot porridge and hot chicken soup help to moisturize the mucous membranes thus accelerating the movement of celia inside the nostrils. This in return,washes away any mucus content,out of your air pathways hence making you breathe better.As a result of it all, no pain is then felt around the sinus located areas and even the headaches and other related symptoms stop.This therefore gives a chance to the immune system to produce more white blood cells and antibodies capable of fighting this infection and therefore,the infection stops. Unfortunately for coffee drinkers, hot coffee is not listed among the hot drinks that can be used to treat sinus infections as it has been seen not to effectively cure the condition.

Soaking small towels in hot water and placing them on your face when the water in it is warm enough not to burn your skin is said to be another natural remedy for sinus infection. When you decide to use this remedy to treat yourself, you help increase the circulation in your sinuses which in turn help increase the movement of your celia inside the nose. When celia movement is enhanced, mucus can not accumulate in the nostrils and hence let air flow freely through the air passages. This brings comfort to the patient and gives time for the body immune system to produce enough white blood cells and needed antibodies to fight all that what is causing this infection. While administering this remedy,places that should mostly be concentrated on are usually areas below and between your eyes.This is because,that is the area where the sinuses are situated in the head skull.So enjoy yourself as you keep on rubbing your face with wet warm towels as you try to treat yourself from sinus infections.

Wangeci Kinyanjui is an expert on research and reporting on Health Matters for years.To get more information on natural remedy for sinus infection visit her site at Natural Remedy For Sinus Infection

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