Blogger BlogNet89464

Make Fast Money Writing by Doing What Works

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Want to make a six-figure income as a writer? The days when writers starved in garrets are long gone; online, content is king, and as a writer, you have the keys to the kingdom. Just do what works.

As a writer, you have a skill which is immensely valuable and desirable online - you can write. You can make as much income as you wish, just by writing. Let's look at a simple process.

Here's the process of making fast money writing in a nutshell: create a small Web site, and write five articles on topics which interest you. These articles are your portfolio.

Next, promote yourself as an article writer.

You can promote yourself in many ways. Your aim is to get your name in front of people who want articles written. You can try free online classifieds, forums postings in Web developer forums, and the out-sourcing sites.

Your first five buyers are your guinea pigs. Just take whatever article writing jobs you can get - you're new, so you're in no position to haggle over fees. You need testimonials and satisfied buyers. Write your article commissions as fast as you can and deliver on time. Then ask for a testimonial from each of your buyers and post your testimonials on your site.

Once you've completed five commissions, increase your rates. Since you're now a known quantity, people will pay you more for your writing because they know you deliver. Keep up your marketing activities exactly as before, using exactly the same venues: forums, classifieds - whatever you used before.

By now, you have a process. You know what works for you. Just keep doing what works - promoting and writing. Over time, you'll rates will go up. It's a question of supply and demand. Your promotions increase the demand, and since there's a limited supply (there's only one of you), you raise your rates.

When you do what works, it's possible to make more money than you make at your day job. Many article writers make five figures a month - the demand is there. Fill the demand, and you're golden.

Discover how to make money online in your spare time with Angela Booth's Sell Your Writing Online NOW at Not only will you discover how to write and sell articles for profit, you'll get complete training in how the Web works, so you can take advantage of the unlimited opportunities.

For free weekly writing information sent to your Inbox, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.

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