Blogger BlogNet89464

Cheap Web Hosting

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If you are considering Cheap Web Hosting, you may want to think about the downside of an inexpensive host. Unless you are building a web site for a personal hobby, or perhaps to post the scores and information for your bowling league, there are significant things to consider when choosing a web host. Cost is one of them, free hosting often comes with ads that will display on your site, and you may have no control over them.

Also, websites hosted by free web hosts do not usually rank well in Search Engines for competitive keywords. Furthermore, if your web domain is on a shared server that sends out spam, or adult content, you may get penalized by search engines, or your site may load slower because precious bandwidth is being hogged by these factors that are completely out of your control. Customer Service is another thing to consider. Will you be able to get Technical Support on a 247 basis, and what about their claim in regards to 'up time'?

If the host has a small operation in a remote area of the world, what happens if their equipment goes down? If you are building a website to make money these are significant factors to consider. The host should also have the ability to register a domain name for you, they should be ICANN Certified, and you should have the ability to transfer your domain 'hassle free'. FTP access should be user friendly, and available. I personally had a bad experience doing some work for a customer where I, and the customer were refused access to the FTP Files. You don't want to be held hostage by your web host.

Lastly, security will be very important if you plan on any ecommerce. If this is the case, some people even suggest finding a host that has government agencies as customers because they will be required to meet strict security standards.

In conclusion, it all boils down to reputation. Do some research on your potential host, give their 800 number a test call to see how long you are on the line. Do a Google search using key phrases to find good and bad results, or go to for a review. If the above seems all too confusing, surf over to, they have an excellent beginners guide to hosting, as well as reviews and pricing. Currently, I'm very satisfied with my web host, HostMonster, they've been more then I could ask for, and more.

We are a freelance web designer in the Elgin, Fox Valley area. As one of many Chicago web design companies, we focus most on small business web design, people that have a need for ecommerce web design and a low cost website. Furthermore, our Elgin Web Development services include helping individuals with very little knowledge of Website Design.

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