Blogger BlogNet89464

Increase Fuel Economy For Cars - Tips to Increase Mileage and Reduce Fuel Cost For Cars

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What is the most practical ways to increase fuel economy for cars? It has been a very bumpy ride on the global crude oil prices. Future supplies are limited and the demand is keep on increasing. No wonder gasoline prices are sky rocketing because every country is trying to get their hands on the black gold. The ones who are most affected by this phenomenon are the common car owners. The only way to solve this problem is to use the public transportation or find a way to increase the fuel economy for our cars. This article will share an idea on how to do that.

Since the invention of the internal combustion engine, our vehicles are totally dependent on fossil fuel. Our options to save money is either make the engine more efficient or find an alternative fuel source. One suggestion is to use hydrogen gas (H2). H2 can be used on cars by extracting it from water with electrolysis process. Hydrogen gas is highly flammable and its properties are excellent to replace gasoline. However, to run a car on purely H2 is not very feasible yet. To power an engine with hydrogen gas mixed with gasoline vapor is possible. The enriched mixture is capable of producing a bigger engine output. More power from the engine means better mileage thus saving fuel and money.

How can a car be converted to run on hydrogen gas? The process can be done quite easily. Most of the components needed are available from a hardware store. You will need a budget of around $150. Most modification guides are available from the internet. What is needed is some hand tools and the patience and dedication to complete the project. With gasoline prices reaching its all time high, any idea that can increase the fuel economy of our cars will be a blessing.

Are you spending more and more money on fuel for your car? Use water as fuel to Increase Fuel Economy for Cars Read the reviews on top online resources to convert your car to run on water at

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